Sadly, it is a widely held belief that just controlling the blood sugar levels will avoid diabetes complications. Keep in mind most doctors only have medications and surgery as the 2 tools in their ‘toolbox’. Unless they have been trained in Lifestyle Medicine, they have nothing much else to offer.
All Six Major Studies Show Harm from Aggressive controlling the blood sugar levels
- The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) is one of the largest studies done to show the effects of drug therapy on diabetics. Six and a half years of treatment with intensive insulin therapy for type-1 diabetics resulted in more weight gain as well as higher cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure compared to people treated less As expected from the rise in cholesterol, there was an increase in the risk of heart disease and stroke for the intensively treated patients.
- The Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study in Glycemic Control and Complications in NIDDM study showed an increase in cardiovascular events in those receiving intensive Diabetic patients with a history of a heart attack were studied, and those treated with insulin and/or other diabetic medications had an increased risk of death.
- In the large European TRAndolapril Cardiac Evaluation (TRACE) study, investigators found diabetic patients with a history of heart attacks treated with insulin and/or other diabetic medications had almost twice the death rate as those diabetics treated with diet alone. Diabetics treated without medications (diet only) had the same death rate as people without.
- The ACCORD study (Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes) showed that intensive treatment of diabetics increases the risk of dying compared to those patients treated less On February 6, 2008 the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) stopped the ACCORD study 17 months early because of adverse effects, including more death. Patients in the intensive- treatment group were oftentimes taking four shots of insulin and three pills daily, and checking their blood-sugar levels four times a day.
- The ADVANCE (Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified Release Controlled Evaluation) study found no reduction in heart attacks or strokes, deaths from cardiovascular causes, or death from any cause with intensive Hypoglycemia was more common, as always, for those people receiving more drugs.
- The Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT) found the intensive-therapy group reduced their hemoglobin A1c levels to 6.9% compared to 8.4% in the standard- therapy group. A weight gain of 18 pounds occurred with the intensive-treatment compared to 9 pounds with standard-therapy. There were 102 deaths from any cause in the intensive-therapy group and 95 in the standard-therapy group (sudden death was three times higher).
Do you want a “quick fix” to control blood sugar, or would you like to improve the quality of health and reverse your diabetes?
If your desire is to improve the quality of health and reverse type 2 diabetes, you have no choice but to learn the principles that will allow you to restore the quality of health you have lost, because the medical establishment has little to offer. The primary role of a traditional medical doctor is to diagnose and treat disease with medical drugs, surgery and any other form of treatment that has been approved by the orthodox medical establishment.
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