Have you ever stopped to wonder why so many of us move through life feeling stuck, disconnected, and unfulfilled? Education promises enlightenment, and medicine promises healing, yet both systems often leave us questioning: Is this all there is?

The systems we trust most—education and medicine—don’t just guide us; they define the boundaries of our lives. They don’t just shape our thinking; they confine it. The system doesn’t just give us answers—it decides the questions we’re allowed to ask.

Education: The Art of Unlearning Curiosity

Imagine a child, eyes wide with wonder, entering school for the first time. Everything is new, alive, and exciting. But soon, that spark begins to fade. Why? Because the system wasn’t designed to nurture curiosity—it was built to suppress it.

Ask yourself: Why does school feel more like a factory than a playground for the mind?

The modern education system, inspired by the Prussian model, wasn’t created to foster innovation. It was designed to produce obedient workers, soldiers, and clerks—people who wouldn’t question authority. By standardizing what we learn and how we think, it molds us into gears in a machine, not individuals with the power to create.

Ask yourself: Why does every child learn the same answers, but never the right questions?

You are not a mind. You are a tool.

Can you order food that’s not on the menu at most restaurants? The education system is no different—it offers only what it has chosen to serve. Creativity and individuality? Those aren’t on the menu. The moment you try to deviate, the system snaps you back into place, like a misaligned gear in a machine.

We weren’t born to fit in boxes, yet the system measures our worth by how well we squeeze into them.

Think about it: When was the last time education encouraged you to think outside the system, to challenge it? It doesn’t. It punishes creativity. It rewards conformity.

Medicine: The Business of Managing, Not Healing

Now step into a doctor’s office. The tools are advanced, the language is complex, and the treatments seem endless. But have you ever left feeling truly healed? Or do you leave with a prescription in hand, a band-aid for symptoms that never addresses the root cause?

Imagine this: You’re a bucket with a hole, and the system keeps pouring water in, never fixing the leak. Why? Because a leaking bucket guarantees the system stays in business. A healed person doesn’t generate revenue, but a managed one does. Every pill, every treatment is another brick in the wall that separates you from your own body’s wisdom. The pill in your hand is a bandage for a wound that keeps bleeding. Why cure the disease when treating it is more profitable?

Medicine is no longer a calling; it’s a market. Your body is a ledger, and every visit to the doctor is another transaction. The golden cage of healthcare doesn’t open doors—it locks them tighter.

The system isn’t built to cure; it’s built to sustain itself.

The healthcare system profits from your dependence. It’s not designed to teach you how to trust your body’s innate ability to heal. Instead, it convinces you that health is something external, found in pills and procedures, not within you.

Ask yourself: Why does the system prioritize treatments that sustain it over those that empower you?

The Illusion of Choice

Both education and medicine present us with choices that feel empowering but aren’t. Think of a menu at a fast-food joint—rows of options, but all made from the same ingredients. The illusion of choice comforts us, but the reality is that every option serves the same master. The system gives you choices that lead nowhere new. Whether it’s your career path or the treatment plan for your health, the outcome has already been decided.

Education offers careers, but they all lead to the same desk, the same factory, the same cage. Healthcare offers treatments, but they all lead to the same pharmacy, the same prescription, the same cycle.

You are free to choose which chain to wear.

The system doesn’t block the light—it teaches you that the darkness is all there is. The windows to truth are bricked over with propaganda, polished with slogans of progress, and guarded by the fear of stepping outside.

Can you buy shoes that let your feet breathe, or are you forced into narrow molds that hurt with every step? The system does the same to your mind and body, shaping them to its needs, not yours. You are free to choose which cage you live in, but you’re still in a cage.

Blocked Windows, Darkened Skies

Do you remember the first time you looked at a sunset, unfiltered and raw? Now think of a world where every window has been tinted to dull that light. The system is that tint—it doesn’t block the light entirely, but it filters it until you forget what true brightness feels like.

When you sit in school, you don’t see the creativity that could flourish outside. When you visit a hospital, you don’t see the ancient healing practices that lie in the shadows. The system bricks up the windows to freedom, leaving only narrow slits that show you what it wants you to see.

The Quiet Tyranny of Routine

Do you ever feel like you’re just going through the motions, like life is a series of repetitive tasks with no deeper meaning? That’s not a personal failing—that’s by design. Look around. Do people seem alive, or do they seem like they’re sleepwalking through their lives?

The system doesn’t teach you to thrive; it teaches you to survive. It conditions you to trust its authority over your own instincts. Think back to the first time you raised your hand with confidence, only to be told you were wrong. Remember how that felt? That’s the system at work, replacing your inner compass with its own. The golden cage doesn’t hurt directly; it numbs. It doesn’t take your life—it drains it drop by drop, so slowly you don’t notice until it’s gone.

Did you ever feel joy in raising your hand to answer a question, only to be told you’re wrong? That’s the system’s trick: it teaches you to doubt yourself, to trust authority over your own instincts. It replaces your inner compass with its own, leaving you lost and dependent.

Education and healthcare, these pillars of modern society, are woven together by a silent pact. They aren’t here to liberate you; they’re here to keep you from asking why you need liberation at all. They speak of progress, but the only progress they make is in perfecting the art of control.

Knowledge is power, they say. But the system doesn’t want you to have power—it wants you to obey. The information you’re fed isn’t knowledge; it’s noise. It drowns out the whispers of your own critical mind, leaving you docile and directionless.

When did we stop thinking? When did we trade our curiosity for comfort?

Why You’re Taught to Doubt Yourself

Doubt is the system’s most powerful weapon. It convinces you that you don’t know enough, that you aren’t enough. Education teaches you to rely on experts, not your own critical thinking. Medicine teaches you to trust prescriptions, not your body’s wisdom.

When was the last time you asked: Why do I feel disconnected from myself?

The System’s Greatest Fear: Your Awakening

The system doesn’t fear rebellion—it fears awakening. Rebellion can be managed; awakening cannot.

Imagine a bird in a cage that suddenly realizes the bars are an illusion. It doesn’t need to fight its way out; it simply flies. The system thrives on your silence, your compliance, your belief that the cage is real. It fears the moment you ask, Why can’t I order something not on the menu? Why can’t I write my own questions?

Ask yourself: What would happen if I stopped believing in the cage?

The system doesn’t block the light; it convinces you there is no light.

They don’t want you to feel rage. Rage is dangerous. Rage questions. Rage burns the illusions. Rage looks at the golden cage and sees it for what it truly is—a prison built not of bars, but of belief. The system fears the day you wake up and see that the cage door was never locked, that the windows were always there, hidden behind veils of lies.

The system survives on your silence. It thrives on your acceptance.

But what happens when you stop accepting?

Breaking Free: The Light Beyond

Healing begins when you stop accepting the system’s narrative. Education doesn’t have to be about memorization; it can be about exploration. Medicine doesn’t have to be about dependence; it can be about empowerment.

The system has bricked up the windows, but the walls aren’t solid. They’re made of assumptions, beliefs, and unquestioned norms. The light outside is real—it always has been. The question isn’t whether the system will let you out; it’s whether you’ll stop believing you’re locked in.

What if your body already knows how to heal? What if your mind already knows how to learn? What if you’ve been conditioned to forget?

The light is there, waiting. The cage was never locked. You just have to look up.

Do you feel it now? The quiet rage of a mind that’s been molded, a body that’s been treated like a machine, and a soul that’s been dulled by comfort. That rage isn’t something to suppress—it’s a signal. It’s the flame that lights the way out of the cage.

And once you step outside, you’ll realize the skies were never blocked. You just had to look up.

Call to Action: Question Everything

The next time you sit in a classroom or a doctor’s office, ask yourself:

  • Whose interests are being served?
  • What am I being told not to question?
  • How can I take back my power?

True freedom isn’t given—it’s reclaimed. And it begins with a single, radical act: asking why.

The system survives on your silence. It fears your questions. So ask them. And when you do, you might discover that the path to healing, learning, and thriving was never outside you—it was within you all along.