Yes, type 2 diabetes is not “curable” in the medical sense of the word. But research shows that type 2 diabetes can be put into remission or reversed, and therefore is ‘curable’ in a sense.

We believe that diabetes is not curable:

Maybe because everyone thinks so!

“Where all people think alike, no one thinks too much …” This statement by Walter Lippman in many ways characterizes the behavior of the company or such a concept in psychology, as “we.”

For some reason, 99% believe that diabetes is a chronic, progressive and incurable disease. We can easily believe what believes the majority, but the majority can easily be mistaken. 100 years of experience with insulin demonstrated that it could not fundamentally solve the problem of diabetes. We mapped the human DNA, can perform heart transplants, and yet can’t cure something as simple as diabetes?


An analysis of the master’s and doctoral theses in healthcare, where you can hear the word “diabetes” indicates that 96-98% of dissertations in the last 15 years devoted to the study and promotion of all the new and novel pharmaceutical products designed primarily for the treatment and prevention of diabetes complications.

Only 1-2% of the work are devoted to teaching patients how to use the means of control, to conduct an appropriate life and diet, as well as the different demographic studies on this topic. Only about 1-2% of the works are referred to concepts such as etiology and pathogenesis, i.e., the origin and cause of the disease.


Diabetes is a multi-billion dollar industry, including sales of insulin, oral agents, and medical devices such as insulin pumps, glucose monitors and their pricey test strips, and new continuous glucose monitors. With so much cash on the table, who do you think funds all the research in the universities, pays for all the private school tuition, sponsors all the ‘diabetes’ events? The “evidence” that our medical scientists produce is directly relevant to funding sources, nothing more and nothing less.

Ironically, medical insurance pays for treatments and medicines, not for cures. If you have medical insurance, and you need a medicine to treat your disease, your insurance will pay. But if you have medical insurance, and you cure it “without a medicine”, your insurance will not pay a cent. Cures don’t matter. Cures don’t count on insurance claims. They are not on the list.

Maybe we have too much confidence that our medical authorities say!

But, what do the medical authorities say?

Actually, most of the medical authorities are famous for their promotion of Learned Helplessness. The whole point is to take away hope. When we’re told “this is how things are” or “this is how it must be done,” we might lose the confidence to question or deviate from those ideas.

According to MERCK the bible of medical diagnosis and therapy, diabetes is incurable. The goals of treating diabetes are: ‘Treatment involves control of hyperglycemia to relieve symptoms and prevent complications while minimizing hypoglycemic episodes. ‘

The American Diabetes Association is not actively looking for a cure, even though their website suggests, “Give a tax-deductible donation today to get us closer to a cure.” Their webpage has seven section headings suggesting we learn to ‘live with diabetes’. Their stated mission is “To prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.” They want you to donate, to help them “search for the cure”, but as we shall see, they can’t find the ‘cured’, and don’t believe a cure exists.

The Canadian Diabetes Association asks you to help ‘lead the fight against diabetes‘. They offer, for purchase, ‘Give the gift of a cure‘, by which they mean a donation to the Canadian Diabetes Association. According to the Canadian Diabetes Association – there is no cure for diabetes. Instead they suggest you learn to live with prediabetes, live with type 1 diabetes, and live with type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes UK, advises that “Living with diabetes is not the end of the world“. There is no hint of a cure.

Diabetes Australia says “We are committed to reducing the impact of diabetes.” Not to curing it.

The World Health Organization advises that “Diabetes is a chronic disease”, and operates under the assumption that chronic diseases can be prevented and treated, but not cured. The Center for Chronic Disease says that “Chronic Disease is a long-lasting condition that can be controlled but not cured.”

It is well known that conventional medicine does not treat the person: it tries to cope with the consequences, rather than to eliminate the cause. All the medications will help control blood sugars (so important) but they don’t treat the cause.

Somehow, one of the main precepts of Hippocrates “eliminate the cause and sickness will go away!” is literally forgotten by modern medical science.

If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him. Instead of treating the underlying causes or imbalances, Doctors often merely manage symptoms. Perhaps, that is the reason why traditional medicine considers that diabetes is not curable, but controllable disease.

The current doctor knows a lot of cells, organs, tissues, but almost nothing about the man.

Sadly, the main task of modern doctors, even the most effective, is not to restore the health of the human body as a whole, but to restore some laboratory and clinical parameters (blood sugar, cholesterol) and discharge the patient.

Maybe, for this reason, health is not taught in medical schools and medical students do not require studying healthy people. We don’t take into account the importance of diet and lifestyle on health. How could we? We get a total of 6-8 hours of nutrition lectures in medical school.

Western medicine focuses on the symptoms and seldom the cause. A system like this is broken up into many specialties. No medical doctor is trained to examine in depth the entire body and mind. Each has his own specialty. A cardiologist only addresses the heart. A gastroenterologist surveys the internal organs. A pulmonologist will be responsible for the lungs.

This is like the story of the six blind men who all have a different part of the elephant to examine. As each touches one particular part of the elephant each comes to understand the elephant differently. Western medicine works much like this. Each organ and gland is regarded as operating independently while not associated with other parts. For example, under this theory it is believed that if you are experiencing heart disease it is because of something going on in the heart. The elephant is not just a trunk or a tail. It takes an understanding of all the parts in order to grasp the whole.

May be for that reason, if the pulmonologist has a kidney disease, he will not be able to treat himself and will go to the nephrologist; if the nephrologist has a tooth ache, he would take an appointment with the dentist, not thinking that the pain may have some reason.

Maybe we have forgotten that the human body is a highly self-regulating system, which is able to self-regulate and self-repair, maintaining homeostasis and sometimes even improves the whole system. No system of the body works in isolation, and the well-being of the person depends upon the well-being of all the interacting body systems. A disruption within one system generally has consequences for several additional body systems.

In addition, pharmaceutical companies usually hide unflattering results of clinical trials and publish only favorable for them. The sales and marketing departments in most companies are more powerful than their R&D departments. Hence, the design, conduct, reporting, and dissemination of this clinical evidence becomes an advertisement tool. In 2011, the pharmaceutical company Bayer looked at 67 blockbuster drug discovery research findings published in prestigious journals, and found that 75% of them weren’t right.

Meanwhile, regulators, academic journals, professionals and academic organizations tolerate such practices, or turn a blind eye to it. There is a kind of “blind spot” in the culture of academic medicine. There is very good reason to believe that much scientific research published today is false, there is no good way to sort the wheat from the chaff, and, most importantly, that the way the system is designed ensures that this will continue being the case. By some estimates, at least 51%—and as much as 89%—of published papers are based on studies and experiments showing results that cannot be reproduced.

So, a significant population of the doctors are caught between the pharmaceutical industry and medical duties. As a result, the system is forcing these altruistic people to prescribe drugs, not knowing enough about them, which cause abnormal damage.

Nowdays most of the time doctors spend in patient visits is now often typing on a computer to document mandated requirements and not interacting with the patients.

Finally, with very few exceptions, most medicine research dealing with health and illness, has accepted the reduction of symptoms as “evidence” for acceptable treatments!

The idea of reversing Type 2 diabetes is still considered somewhat extreme. Opposing voices raise several objections, such as there aren’t any large, well-controlled for an extended period studies on dietary approaches like those that exist for drugs.

Zen Healthcare was born out of the passionate desire and commitment to make Nepal a Diabetes Free Zone.

Would you like to be a part of our Diabetes Free Nepal campaign and contribute to make Nepal a proud nation?

If you want to participate in our Diabetes Reversal Program, please contact us at [email protected] or call +9779851030131.