Because diabetes is a systemic disease that, over a period of years, attacks and causes major cellular damage to all of your tissues and organs!

Let’s take a car that has not had an oil change or engine tune-up and has been running on cheap fuel for several years. If you switch from the cheap fuel to a higher-octane “super” fuel, the car may run a little better, but it will still run sluggish. Once you change the oil and air filters and tune up the engine, the car will run even better.

The same principle applies to the human body – if you clean the filters (the kidneys and liver), then, this will help them to remove the buildup of toxins and waste and kill the pathogenic bacteria and parasites so that the body will run better.

If you are overweight by more than 10 kg, more than likely, you are carrying as much as 3 kg of fecal matter packed in your colon.

If you are also struggling with high cholesterol or high blood pressure, then, your body is carrying extra fluid/waste in your cells and tissues.

Consequently, cleansing the liver and kidneys, your body’s primary filters, will help the body to better release this extra fluid/waste.

This will thin out the blood, hydrate cells, break down fats, absorb protein, convert glycogen to glucose, turn on the body’s natural healing mechanisms, and, in most cases, lower blood pressure, inflammation, cholesterol, glucose levels, and body weight.