Many people do not think it’s possible to reverse Type II Diabetes.  That really depends on the method of treatment.  The traditional/conventional treatments that only focus on symptom care are not successful at reversing the disease.  These treatments seek to slow the progression.

When the cause(s) of the disease (insulin resistance) is addressed using comprehensive testing and the appropriate individualized treatment plan is followed, then Type 2 diabetes can be successfully reversed. It is possible to not only reverse Type 2 diabetes, but to stay free of the condition long term.

A recent scientific study done at the University of Newcastle showed that Type 2 diabetes is a potentially reversible condition. In this early study, a number of participants with Type 2 diabetes were able to achieve continuing remission of diabetes for at least 6 months – through a robust and sustainable weight loss program following a low-calorie diet.

For obese patients, bariatric surgery is a potentially curative treatment for type 2 diabetes.

In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association researchers found that type 2 diabetes remission is possible with intensive lifestyle intervention. Individuals in the study were instructed to exercise for 175 minutes a week, limit their calories to 1,200 to 1,800 per day, and attend weekly counseling and education sessions on these lifestyle changes.

Within a year, over 11% of the lifestyle intervention participants had partial or complete remission of diabetes and were able to come off their diabetes medications. Moreover, rates of any remission were notably higher (15%–21%) among individuals with substantial weight loss or fitness change, less severe or newly diagnosed diabetes, and those not using insulin.