Atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) was found to be one of the strongest markers in predicting the cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk.
Atherogenic Index of Plasma and Triglyceride/High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Ratio Predict Mortality Risk Better Than Individual Cholesterol Risk Factors.
Atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) is a strong predictive indicator of coronary artery disease in postmenopausal women.
Higher Atherogenic Index of Plasma level is positively and strongly associated with obesity.
Atherogenic Index of Plasma and Mean Platelet Volume regardless of ischemic etiology, were significantly higher in heart failure compared with controls. Both AIP and MPV are independent predictors of ejection fraction and have cut-off values for diagnosis of HF.
In type 2 diabetes mellitus patients; mean FBG, mean HbA1c and mean atherogenic index values were significantly higher in those patients having poor glycemic control than in those patients having good glycemic control. Also, atherogenic index is positively correlated with FBG and HbA1C.
Atherogenic Index of Plasma is calculated as Log (TG/HDL-C). Triglycerides and HDL-cholesterol in Atherogenic Index of Plasma (AIP) reflect the balance between the atherogenic and protective lipoproteins.
Usually Atherogenic Index of Plasma (AIP) values of < 0.1 are associated with low, 0.1 to 0.24 with medium and above 0.24 with high Cardio Vascular risk.
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