When you are driving into unfamiliar territory you probably use a GPS, right? The first thing the GPS needs to know is your current location. Without knowing your current location, the GPS can’t plot a course for you.
Blood sugar numbers only tell half of the story. You need to know your level of insulin resistance and other measurable parameters in order to know how to proceed on your journey. If by controlling blood glucose level diabetes will go away, then no one should be diabetic today.
Like a GPS device, these test results plot where you are right now. It is your job to understand how to plan a course that will best take you from your current location to where you want to go. Future tests will reveal your progress and whether or not the changes you’ve made are keeping you on the right path. It’s our job to be your guide.
Typically the tests in the standard model of care diagnose a disease so that it can be matched with a corresponding pharmaceutical drug. The labs your doctor runs are adequate if he’s just prescribing medications. Comprehensive tests look at underlying causes, imbalances and dysfunctions, give amazing insight into these often overlooked pieces of your health puzzle.
We will show you how to decipher the meaning of your own test results. It will become clear to you why there is no “magic bullet,” like a miracle pill to reverse Type 2 Diabetes. The only real magic bullets We know of are your curiosity, your will, and our ability to respond to what you learn, making the necessary corrections to stay on course along the way.
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